Sunday, April 28, 2013

Viva la Vida!!

"Frida", sterling silver with Kingman turquoise and bamboo coral.

This is one of my pieces that will be featured in the St.David's Celebration of the Arts, which opens this coming Friday at 8:00 PM.  This piece is inspired by Frida Kahlo's famous painting "Self Portrait with Thorn Necklace and Hummingbird".  Frida is one of my inspirations.  Her passion and creativity were bottomless.  She lived life according to her beliefs and passions regardless of the dictates of her culture.  I first became inspired by Frida while I was facing a serious back surgery a few years ago.  I was reading the Biography of Frida at the time and the story of the accident and injuries she survived helped me to keep my own situation in perspective.  The bracelet below which sold a couple years ago is the companion piece to this necklace.  I think I need to make another one.  Viva la Vida - Long Live Life!!