Lapis angel fish. I've really been in love with angel fish ever since my first trip snorkeling in the Caribbean. Wow, they are magic. This stone was cut by Barney of Lapidarious who sells his cabochons on Etsy.
Cicadas x 3. My cicada pendants have been in high demand recently. With the cost of silver still very high, I decided to make a version in bronze with sterling wings. The bodies are cast from real cicadas and the hand-pierced sterling wings are moveable. The cicada on the right is made all in sterling. This was a custom piece for a lovely lady who picked it up today. This special little guy has 2 sets of wings, just like the real insects. Cicadas are a symbol of longevity and good luck. Strong but delicate.
In other news, my 16 year-old son is now driving. (yikes!) We've recovered from a very hectic summer and have about a month before things get too crazy again.
I'm enjoying another class at SU - stonesetting. It's mostly review for me, but fun nonetheless. Even though I'm a bit of an old lady there, I really do enjoy the undergrads. They help me remember to keep my creativity fluid and not get too boxed in by my ideas. I'm still debating becoming an official MFA student. Will keep you posted on that one.
I've decided that Autumn is the most gorgeous season in Upstate NY. Happy fall!